InsFocus business intelligence solution was chosen by Madanes insurance agency!

Madanes, thelargest independent insurance agency in Israel, has chosen InsFocus’ BIsolution for establishing an organizational Data Warehouse, recentlyimplemented across multiple departments in the organization, allowing Madanesto meet the full spectrum of business intelligence requirements in theorganization, and utilize advanced reporting required to be presented toexternal entities.
As part ofthe data management project that was executed in cooperation with the internalBI team, InsFocus designed and implemented a comprehensive organization-wideData Warehouse that combines the activities of general insurance, life, health,and professional liability, while interfacing with diverse core systemsincluding Microsoft Dynamics CRM and two claims management systems. The dataWarehouse gathers data on leads, policies, claims, sales goals, serviceactivities and various other data, facilitating the needs of big-data smartalgorithms, and providing visibility, analytical insights and reportingabilities.
Madanes InsuranceAgency has joined the InsFocus customer base, which already provides itsbusiness intelligence solution to the majority of the insurance market inIsrael. They examined several options, and InsFocus, which created its advancedBI solution specifically for insurance companies and agencies, was chosen astheir provider.
Madanes, aleading insurance Managing General Agency established in 1972, serves thousandsof individual and business customers in all areas of insurance. The groupspecializes in group health insurance, medical malpractice, professionalliability insurance, and Third-Party Administration of medical claims forHealth Maintenance Organizations, in addition to other insurance activities.